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Design guidelines provide an identity for a place and clarity of its purpose. They capture the collective aspiration and expectations for the places we work, live and play, now and into the future.

Guidelines, for a variety of intents, capture our clients’ collective aspirations and expectations for the places they manage. The process involves listening closely to our clients and then synthesising ideas, concepts, constraints, issues and user needs, and then outlining these in a clearly communicated approach to ensure good design, good process, good governance and good management in the end results.

Examples of work completed include “Buildings That Breathe – A New World City Design Guide” which outlines a range of environmentally sensitive development objectives for buildings within the Brisbane City Council;

retail design guidelines for Brisbane Airport Corporation for both the domestic and international terminal buildings; design guidelines for a range of retail developments; and contributions to built form and associated character guidelines for both public and private clients.     

Through these mechanisms for creating a vision for a place and related design studies, well considered and prepared guidelines provide a clarity of purpose and an identity for place.

